Saturday, June 12, 2010


sometimes we look past the meaning of "i love you". most of the time these words come out of our mouths by routine, but a lot of the times we don't stop and feel the weight of this.
when i say i love you... i mean i love YOU. most of us think of the "you" though as who were directing the love towards. but what we don't realize that what we're saying is i love....everything you're up made of. i love your smile, your hands, your flaws, your intelligence, your humor... i love everything YOU as a human being on this earth.
and not only do i love you....but i just think you're awesome. like i really just think you're a cool person. you're someone who i want to fall asleep next to every night and wake up by your side every morning. you're the first person i want to call when anything good or bad happens. you're the one i want to vent to when i'm annoyed. you're my best friend. you're the one who i want to go to a club with and the one i want to watch a movie with. i want to get breakfast lunch and dinner with you. i want to just be next too you, because i love YOU.

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